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오픽script#9- 공원가기 / 해변가기 Background survey: 영화보기/ 카페/ 음악감상/ 운동전혀x / 집에서 보내는 휴가/ 게임하기/ 악기 연주하기/ 구직활동 하기/ 뉴스를 보거나 듣기/ 공원가기/ 신문읽기/ 축구 Q1. Tell me about one of the parks that you often visit. What does it look like? Tell me what people do there at the park. 당신이 자주 가는 공원에 대해 말해주세요. 그 공원은 어떻게 생겼나요? 공원에서 사람들은 무엇을 하는지 말해주세요. A1. I like to go to the park near my home. It is quiet small, but there is everything(단수) i want. there .. 2021. 1. 19.
오픽script#8- 뉴스를 보거나 듣기 Background survey: 영화보기/ 카페/ 음악감상/ 운동전혀x / 집에서 보내는 휴가/ 게임하기/ 악기 연주하기/ 구직활동 하기/ 뉴스를 보거나 듣기/ 공원가기/ 신문읽기/ 축구 Q1. What was the latest news you saw? What was it about? A1. Well, i read news about EUV recently. The Euv, Extreme Ultraviolet, is often used in semiconductor industry. samller semiconductor length , more powerful and efficient chip could be made. so, To make semconductor smaller, we have t.. 2021. 1. 16.
오픽script#7-구직활동 하기 Background survey: 영화보기/ 카페/ 음악감상/ 운동전혀x / 집에서 보내는 휴가/ 게임하기/ 악기 연주하기/ 구직활동 하기/ 뉴스를 보거나 듣기/ 공원가기/ 신문읽기/ 축구/ Q1. You indicated in the survey that you are looking for a job. Whay kinds of job are you looking for? how are you preparing for it? 어떤 종류의 일을 구하니? 어떻게 준비하고 있어? A1. I graduated 2019 and i've been job searching man for 2 years. I majored in electronics engineering and it was quiet related to.. 2021. 1. 11.
오픽script#6-악기 연주하기 Q1. You indicated in the survey that you play a musical instrument. What is it? Why do you like to play it? Please describe it in detail. 악기를 다룬다고 했는데, 그 악기가 뭐야? 왜 좋아해? A1. I can play two musical instrument. One is the piano, the other is the guitar. I had learned the piano for almost 10 years but I don't play it well now. But the guitar, i've been self-learning it nowdays and i love it. There a.. 2021. 1. 10.