뉴스보기1 오픽script#8- 뉴스를 보거나 듣기 Background survey: 영화보기/ 카페/ 음악감상/ 운동전혀x / 집에서 보내는 휴가/ 게임하기/ 악기 연주하기/ 구직활동 하기/ 뉴스를 보거나 듣기/ 공원가기/ 신문읽기/ 축구 Q1. What was the latest news you saw? What was it about? A1. Well, i read news about EUV recently. The Euv, Extreme Ultraviolet, is often used in semiconductor industry. samller semiconductor length , more powerful and efficient chip could be made. so, To make semconductor smaller, we have t.. 2021. 1. 16. 이전 1 다음