Background survey: 영화보기/ 카페/ 음악감상/ 운동전혀x / 집에서 보내는 휴가/ 게임하기/ 악기 연주하기/ 구직활동 하기/ 뉴스를 보거나 듣기/ 공원가기/ 신문읽기/ 축구
Q1. You indicated that you like to listen to music. What type of music do you like listening to? Plus, who is your favorite singer or composer? What is special about his or her music?
당신은 음악을 듣는 것을 좋아한다고 했습니다. 어떤 음악 장르를 듣기를 좋아하나요? 그리고 당신이 좋아하는 가수나 작곡가는 누구인가요? 그의 음악은 어떤 점이 특별한가요?
A1. I like to listen all types of music.
I used to listen chart in music. Among them, i like vallad and i love MC THE MAX who is one of the most famous and fantastic vallad singers in korea.
He makes incredible pitch. Sometimes i get goose bumbs(소름이 돋다) when listening his music.
I guess he maybe sounds up 3 octave C. well... just kidding, i'm not sure.
anyway, so, i enjoy vallad music and mc the max's songs especially.
Q2. When and where do you like to listen to music? Why do you listen to music?
언제, 어디서 음악을 듣는 것을 좋아하나요? 왜 음악을 듣나요?
A2. Whenever, and Wherever. I like to listen to music in bus ,subway and even walking around.
galaxy buds, which is bluetooth earphone always be with me.
I got so used to listen to music so, i can't quit.
one more saying, i listen to music anywhere and anytime. because it becames a part of my life.
Q3. Tell me about a time when you went to listen to some live music. Perhaps it was at a concert or a live cafe. What was the mood like and how did you like the music you listened to there?
라이브 음악을 들으러 갔을 때에 대해 말해주세요. 아마도 그것은 콘서트나 라이브 카페였을겁니다. 그곳의 분위기는 어땠나요? 그리고 그곳에서 들은 음악은 어땟나요?
A3. Unfortunately, i've never been concert and live cafes.
I've tried to go to concert several times, but it was too expensive.
if i make a lot of money in the future, i want to go. shall we? ava
Q4. How did you first get interested in music? What kind of music did you listen to when you were young? How was that music different from the music you listen to today? How has your interest in music changed over the years?
어떻게 처음 음악에 관심을 갖게 되었나요? 당신이 어렸을 때는 어떤 종류의 음악을 들었나요? 그 음악은 요즘 듣는 음악과 어떻게 다른가요? 수년 간 음악에 대한 당신의 관심은 어떻게 변화해왔나요?
A4. I don't remember how i get interested in music, but there is a huge difference thing between past and present music
it is a auto- tune - which modulate the human voices and characteristic.
Nowdays music, except for vallad, are composed of this auto tune.
I'm not saying that it is bad. autotune and non autotune have their own strength and character. i like both
in conclusion, we are more likely to listen to autotune music than in the past. and i never mind.( i don't care)
Q5. How have the performances in your country changed or developed over the last several years? What do you think about the changes?
지난 몇 년간 당신의 나라의 공연들은 어떻게 변화해왔나요? 혹은 어떻게 발전해왔나요? 그러한 변화에 대해 어떻게 생각하나요?
A5. It has been changed in many ways. performance scales are more bigger and there are so many dancers in recent performance. but, fundamentally, the size of the market has been changed.
I mean, there were performances only for our country people in the past, but nowdays, we try to target global market.
you maybe have heard about k-pop. actually, kpop is more popular and profitable in abroad than in korea.
Being more globalization, i think it is a natural phenomenon that performances for global market are getting bigger.
so, that's all
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