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오픽 Script#쇼핑하기 관련 답변 예시

by Izac 2025. 2. 18.

1. 쇼핑을 얼마나 자주 하나요?

I go shopping quite often, but it depends on what I need. For groceries, I shop once or twice a week. For clothes or electronics, I usually shop once a month or when there’s a big sale. Sometimes, I just enjoy window shopping without actually buying anything. Shopping is a great way to relieve stress and find new trends.

2. 어디에서 쇼핑을 주로 하나요?

I usually shop at department stores and shopping malls because they have a wide variety of products in one place. However, for convenience, I also buy things online. Online shopping is great because I can compare prices and read reviews before making a purchase. If I need something quickly, I visit local stores near my house.

3. 혼자 쇼핑하나요, 아니면 친구와 함께 하나요?

It depends on what I’m buying. If I’m shopping for groceries or daily necessities, I usually go alone because it’s faster. However, if I’m shopping for clothes or accessories, I prefer going with friends because they can give me advice on what looks good. Sometimes, shopping with friends is just a fun way to hang out and spend time together.

4. 기억에 남는 쇼핑 경험을 이야기해 주세요.

One of my most memorable shopping experiences was during a Black Friday sale. I went to a mall early in the morning to buy a laptop at a huge discount. When I arrived, there was already a long line of people waiting. As soon as the store opened, everyone rushed in to grab the best deals. Luckily, I managed to get the laptop I wanted at a great price. It was a crazy but exciting experience!

5. 온라인 쇼핑과 오프라인 쇼핑 중 어떤 것을 더 선호하나요?

I like both online and offline shopping, but they each have their pros and cons. Online shopping is more convenient because I can buy things from home and have them delivered to my doorstep. However, I prefer offline shopping for clothes and shoes because I can try them on before buying. If I’m looking for electronics or home appliances, I usually check them in a physical store first and then buy them online for a better deal.

pros and cons : 장단점
